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Who are the Dutch commentators ?
In these bizar corona inflicted times, footballia.net is a wonderful source of nostalgia! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! We try our best!
Fight at 1:43:00
This fight is an escalation of numerious incidents earlier in the game. Mira (Madrid) tripped Moulijn (Feyenoord) without the intention to play ball. Normally the player would have been send off. The Feyenoord players simply did not accept that brutal attack at their most fragile player and went for revenge, which they got. In the chaos that followed, the ref - out of control - blew the wissle for end of game a couple of minutes early. It wasn't the best Madrid performance. They made up for that in the return match, 5-0. Watched both games at the age of 12 then.