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Pero la amenaza no ha desaparecido. Como sabéis, en los últimos meses, Footballia ha estado en peligro de desaparición. Nos hemos protegido mejor para que sigáis disfrutando de la historia del fútbol, pero debido a ello, nuestros gastos han aumentado.
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Another thing worth mentionning especially if you don't undestand French, the game you'll be seeing is the second leg, first one was ended 4-2 in Frankfurt.
Prior to the NHL copyrighting Winter Classic, guess football had its own winter classic as the game was played on a pitch covered with snow Among the notables playing this game let's mention the legendary Korean star Bum Kum Cha AKA Cha-Boom and Bernd Hölzenbein who played more than 500 games with Frankfurt For the french side taking an important part of this the man with the famous moustache AKA the Gallic Patrick Revelli and Bernard Genghini who was part of the squad that would becope European champions in 84. Video quality wise let be warned that the colours switchs off throughout the match and the ball is a bit hard to follow on long range shots, orange balls weren't used it seems.