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Week 33, not 32
Not according to our sources, we're afraid. Where did you find that information so we can contrast it? :-)
https://www.worldfootball.net/report/premier-league-1989-1990-arsenal-fc-aston-villa/ https://www.footballcritic.com/premier-league-arsenal-fc-aston-villa-fc/match-stats/34767 http://wildstat.com/p/2301/ch/ENG_1_1989_1990/stg/1/tour/33 dont trust wikipedia, the numbers there is no gameweeek, its just an ordering same thing with this match https://footballia.net/matches/arsenal-fc-tottenham-hotspur-first-division-1988-1989
We didn't check Wikipedia for this. However, we'll try to clear up this confusion.
The mixup comes from this difference. This website (http://www.ceroacero.es/edicao_calendario.php?id_edicao=712&equipa=75&filtro=J) lists the game weeks chronologically, while this other one (https://www.worldfootball.net/teams/arsenal-fc/1990/3/) doesn't. It's very likely that worldfootball.net may be right because English football has always had scrambled game schedules, so we're going to modify it, but we'd still like to be able to double-check. One of the other sources you provided isn't loading, and the other doesn't look as comprehensive as worldfootball and ceroacero.
Yeah, english football season always had delayed and postponed matches, so there a very little chance to play it chronologically. I just chekced and yeah, wildstat is not loading, but wildstat is the most accurate and biggest database of football results IMHO, when something didnt matching after double-checking i have always come to conclusion that wildstat has most accurate info :)
Good to know, thank you! :-)