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Valencia CF vs. Atalanta BC

Valencia CF vs. Atalanta BC cijela utakmica

Champions League 2019-2020


This match was played behind closed doors due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic.

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  1. Ruben Cohn-Gonzalez 8. Travanj 2020. 05:42

    hey my friends the link for this one doesn't work - too bad I was really looking forward to watch this game

  2. Ruben Cohn-Gonzalez
    Ruben Cohn-Gonzalez 8. Travanj 2020. 05:43

    Ok never mind - now I read the message about the match being available 30 days after it was played!!!

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 8. Travanj 2020. 13:21
