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Euro 92
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Euro 1992
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21. Lipanj 1992.
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  1. risaralda maraya 30. Svibanj 2021. 17:46

    La seleccion de Suecia nunca tuvo el convenciomiento de lo victoria. Ademas sus grandes jugadores Brolin y Dahlin no hicieron un buen partido. Gran partido de Hassler.

  2. fefoot 30. Lipanj 2020. 11:21

    Suécia não teve a menor chance. Quando acordou, já era tarde.

  3. joseangel 15. Travanj 2017. 13:44

    Sweden rhrew off the first half, with too many changes in the starting line. Germany played a serious game, especially in the first 60 minutes. The ket of the natch was the Limpar's entrance, when Sweden changed their way and they could score two goals.