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Queens Park Rangers vs. Chelsea FC

Queens Park Rangers vs. Chelsea FC cijela utakmica

First Division 1985-1986


Although this video has been edited, this is the only copy available of this match, and since it is such a historic one, we decided to publish it nonetheless.

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  1. hasan nazeri 20. Lipanj 2021. 22:02

    Hello, I have had valuable football matches since 2000, which you do not have on your site, and there is no internet at all. If you would like to email me, I will sell it to you. email telegram @ar11122

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Rujan 2021. 08:27

    Hello Hasan, thank you for your interest. Usually, the website is open for all users to share their matches directly on the site. However, at the moment it's closed due to family mourning. But when it reopens, you'll be welcome to share whatever matches you wish to upload.