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Manchester City vs. Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester City vs. Tottenham Hotspur cijela utakmica

Champions League 2018-2019

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Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
City of Manchester Stadium (Manchester)
17. Travanj 2019.
x 1234546 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Bryed 23. Srpanj 2021. 16:19

    ¿Por qué no suben los partidos de ingleses con relato en español? Si lo hay. ¡Es muy molesto! Lo entendería de encuentros antiguos, mas NO de éstos. Igualmente gracias.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Rujan 2021. 23:26

    Puedes leer la explicación en la sección FAQs, en lo relativo al idioma de los partidos.

  3. Hristo 1. Lipanj 2021. 00:11

    The sound goes away after ca. 14 minutes. When you fast-forward a bit, it comes back for a few seconds, but after that it goes back to silence again…

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Kolovoz 2021. 20:51

    Thank you for pointing it out. We'll see if it can be fixed. Sometimes the file is just corrupt.

  5. Brandontgggg 27. Travanj 2021. 21:17

    dios mioo que partidazo en 10 minutos 4 goles, el partido tuvo de todo

  6. Bullroarer22 20. Travanj 2020. 22:56

    Lástima que no pasara el City después de semejante exhibición. Una pena los 2 errores de Laporte y las 2 decisiones del VAR en favor del Totenham. Partidazo.

  7. Popocho 31. Ožujak 2020. 00:26

    One of the greatest matches in UCL history....2 teams going forward for 90 minutes ¡

  8. pablodelrio 23. Ožujak 2020. 18:32

    en hd... ¿ estoy sintiendo amor por footballia ?

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Ožujak 2020. 19:43

    Siéntelo, no te reprimas. ¡Es saludable! ;-)

  10. TIAGO 11. Rujan 2019. 22:48

    One of the most exciting and well-played matches of Champions League history. Simply espectacular!

  11. mrdavidtarno 10. Srpanj 2019. 12:07

    Best match in Champions History. The Second one is the Anfield Miracle. And the third one Real Madrid VS Manchester City years ago.

  12. ctdevil28 25. Lipanj 2019. 16:35

    Darren Fletcher and Jermaine Jenas

  13. Mauricio0 9. Lipanj 2019. 14:32

    What's the name of this Commentator?

  14. 14. Veljača 2020. 17:59

    Jermaine Jeans and Darren Fletcher

    CHACHISTA 20. Ožujak 2020. 06:35

    Darren Fletcher and Jermaine Jenas i think

  16. Josin007 7. Lipanj 2019. 12:26

    Wow!!! This is some match......