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World Cup 1986
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Round of 16
Estadio Olímpico (Ciudad de México)
17. Lipanj 1986.

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  1. pan 4. Srpanj 2021. 07:02

    Italian player number 10 called Salvatore Bani not Bathrooms

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Rujan 2021. 19:35

    It's Bagni, not Bani. And that's what it says on the lineup. If you're seeing Bathrooms, maybe it's because your browser is translating it automatically.

  3. lisandro martin regatque 25. Veljača 2021. 04:26

    muy buen arbitraje de esposito.fernandez el mejor jugador de francia.manejo el ritmo del partido.italia mucho oficio pero da la sensacion de un equipo sin hambre y muy castigado por el clima del districto federal.escuadra muy cansada.francia justo ganador sin sobrarle nada ni lucir mucho.

  4. Goleador 25. Lipanj 2020. 09:36

    Una partita combattuta per almeno 60 minuti, dove rimane un buon equilibrio, poi la Francia appare superiore e riesce a gestire la sfida senza troppe difficoltà. Si tratta di una di quelle partite dove Platini dà prova del suo talento, veramente fantastico.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Prosinac 2020. 12:13

    Schollinator, thank you! If you like, you can send us the file via any file-sharing website and then email us the link to We'll verify that the picture quality is not lower than the current copy and then we'll add it to the re-uploads list. :-)

  6. hokutonomick 24. Veljača 2020. 18:27

    how come the match is in arabic?

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Veljača 2020. 10:40

    Because that's the only copy we've found. It was either this or nothing, and we decided this was better because what matters is watching the game.

  8. hokutonomick
    hokutonomick 28. Veljača 2020. 10:32

    For sure it's better than nothing That's too bad it is so difficult to find these classics I thought there was more videos available and dvd Thanks for your work

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Veljača 2020. 13:46

    Much appreciated!

  10. Schollinator
    Schollinator 3. Prosinac 2020. 21:10

    Footballia if you want i found this match in english.

  11. hokutonomick
    hokutonomick 3. Prosinac 2020. 21:51
