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FC Internazionale vs. Tottenham Hotspur

FC Internazionale vs. Tottenham Hotspur cijela utakmica

Champions League 2010-2011


First minutes of the broadcast in Russian, but the match commentary is in English.

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Group stage, matchday 3
Giuseppe Meazza (Milano)
20. Listopad 2010.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. brian 5. Srpanj 2019. 11:10

    Guys where is the 3-1 return leg ?

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 5. Srpanj 2019. 11:26

    Sadly, we don't have the return leg at the moment. Let's hope someone has it and shares it!

  3. wang li 31. Kolovoz 2018. 07:47


  4. RichiAzpi 22. Svibanj 2017. 22:52

    Here is only the first time, i wanted to see the bale's hat-trick

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 22. Svibanj 2017. 23:41

    Check the information section to the right of the video window.

  6. HolyThurs1882
    HolyThurs1882 15. Prosinac 2018. 19:07

    It's been over a year, but for anyone else having this issue, click the forward arrow to go to the second half.