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Dinamo Minsk vs. Belshina Bobruisk

Dinamo Minsk vs. Belshina Bobruisk cijela utakmica

Vysshaya Liga 2020

27 Tur
Stadion Dinamo (Minsk)
24. Listopad 2020.
Prikaži rezultat3 : 1

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  1. Angelito Labruna 24. Siječanj 2021. 19:57

    Asking because I didn't see the country between the european leagues here and I have a match from there too to upload but the standard used in the page for naming the leagues of different countries doesn't fit.

  2. Alexandre
    Alexandre 25. Siječanj 2021. 08:36

    I saw that indeed Belarus wasn’t in the European leagues, maybe try to repost a match to see

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 2. Veljača 2021. 13:43

    It's been added now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  4. Angelito Labruna 23. Siječanj 2021. 16:09

    Belarus top league?

  5. Alexandre
    Alexandre 24. Siječanj 2021. 15:41
