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CR Flamengo vs. Santos FC

CR Flamengo vs. Santos FC cijela utakmica

Campeonato Brasileiro 1982

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara2042 PogledaPortugalski

The powerful Flamengo of Zico, Júnior, Leandro, Mozer, Andrade, Adílio and Tita would play without the always clutch striker Nunes. Santos would play without its best player, Pita, but would have his teammate from the 1st generation of the "Meninos da Vila" ("Boys from the Vila Belmiro") João Paulo ready to try to make a difference. Chicão, 1978 WC member and always ready to play a tough style of football, is the other great highlight of this Peixe team. Santos had the advantage of playing for two identical results in these Quarter-Finals.

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