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Athletic de Bilbao vs. FC Barcelona

Athletic de Bilbao vs. FC Barcelona cijela utakmica

Liga 1ª División 2019-2020

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Jornada 1
San Mamés (Bilbo)
16. Kolovoz 2019.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. stormthetrooper 12. Studeni 2019. 14:53

    Sometimes, on random videos, I get the message "Error Loading Media: File could not be played". Sometimes, a game can stay for days with this message and, out of the blue, it resumes working. Does anyone knows why this happens? I tried on Chrome, Mobile and Edge this game, for an example, and all had the same message

  2. Abesoj 10. Listopad 2019. 21:52

    The speaker says David García but his is wrong, his name is Dani García (the number 14).

  3. Rooney 22. Rujan 2019. 10:00

    No se puede reproducir

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 22. Rujan 2019. 18:24

    El vídeo funciona correctamente. Prueba con otro navegador, quizás. A veces se dan problemas de incompatibilidades.