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Arsenal FC vs. Juventus FC

Arsenal FC vs. Juventus FC cijela utakmica

Champions League 2005-2006

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Quarter-finals, 1st leg
Highbury (London)
28. Ožujak 2006.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Lukittaz 22. Prosinac 2020. 17:36


  2. Alozuer0900 1. Listopad 2020. 12:55

    I found 2nd leg

  3. CallMeDom
    CallMeDom 19. Prosinac 2020. 15:30

    What am I supposed to do with that? To open, to download or what? Cause I can't anything of that... :/

  4. CallMeDom
    CallMeDom 19. Prosinac 2020. 15:30

    What am I supposed to do with that? To open, to download or what? Cause I can't anything of that... :/

  5. GustavoVS11 30. Kolovoz 2020. 16:15

    Do you know if any TV has the 2nd leg match available for sale? I really wanna watch that match!

  6. alie17 11. Svibanj 2020. 03:30

    Am I able to download of the videos?

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 11. Svibanj 2020. 11:33

    It's not permitted to download any content from this website.

  8. alie17 11. Svibanj 2020. 03:28

    Watching so many of the legends in the 2000's era. Plus Wenger & Capello in their prime. The feeling in this stadium seems far better than the emirates.

  9. Kingy 1. Svibanj 2020. 08:28

    Arsenal seemed to be very good at grounding out results in this campaign. Super strong defensively despite a makeshift back 4 and occasional moments of brilliance up top

  10. Ultimate 19. Ožujak 2020. 21:48

    Where is 2nd leg

  11. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Ožujak 2020. 14:24

    Nobody has provided that match thus far.

  12. Footballia user 4. Prosinac 2016. 06:59

    que lindo partido estas eliminatorias si que eran de infarto que par de equipasos