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Manchester United vs. Arsenal FC

Manchester United vs. Arsenal FC match complet

Premier League 2006-2007

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Premier League 2006-2007
Week 5
Old Trafford (Manchester)
17 septembre 2006
x 1234524 votes

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  1. VoJKaN ThE CrAzY ReD DeViL samedi 02 janvier 2021 22h51

    Very good performace by Arsenal.United started very slow and were lucky not to be losing in the first 35 min.Then they picked up pace and could have scored or shoud have scored but Lehmann saved with his head the shot from Ronadlo.Ronaldo not very good,lost ball too many times and was actually at fault for the goal Adebayor scored cos he lost the ball and let Fabregas run pass him.Fabregas great game.Solskjaer very good even at 33 shoud have scored but Lehmann had brilliant game.Overall draw should have been fair but Arsenal deserved a goal at the first 30 min cos they missed a pen so they got one at the end.Fans booing after Rooney and Schooles were substituate cos they arent happy for minutes Rooney and Schooles had to that point of the season,if i am not mistaken Ronney only played the first match against Fulham and scored 2 goals.United still top of the table by goal difference at this point of the season.

  2. Kevin 14 jeudi 31 décembre 2020 19h48

    Please full match liverpool vs Chelsea fc (2_0)2006/07

  3. Kevin 14 jeudi 31 décembre 2020 19h43

    Please full match everton vs Chelsea fc 2006/07

  4. Floppenstein dimanche 18 octobre 2020 01h30

    What a performance by the mighty Arsenal