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FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla FC

FC Barcelona vs. Sevilla FC match complet

Liga 1ª División 2009-2010

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Jornada 18
Camp Nou (Barcelona)
16 janvier 2010

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  1. Joseph Sta Ana dimanche 06 décembre 2020 07h50

    Oh man, Sevilla played good defense in the first half, Barcelona just doesn’t know mercy. Pedro is a beast even off the bench!

  2. Tank mercredi 05 octobre 2016 19h22

    Fourth goal was scored by Messi. Great match btw.

  3. Footballia
    Footballia mercredi 05 octobre 2016 19h25

    Thanks for pointing it out! Fixed! Why not rate the match to let others know how good you think it was? :-)